New Matriculation Examination Certificates to be introduced on 3 June - have a look at what will change

In spring 2023, students will receive a digital certificate in addition to the paper certificate. In this press release, we provide more detailed information about the certificate and where, when and who will receive the digital certificate.
Matriculation Matriculation Examination Certificate and certificate of successful completion of exams
There are two types of certificate: the blue certificate, which is issued after graduation, and the white certificate, which shows the already successfully completed exams and their grades. The grades obtained for renewing exams and complementing the examination are automatically updated on the same digital certificate. This means that, for example, a single certificate will be sufficient for university applications from now on.
The digital and paper certificates will otherwise look the same, but the paper certificate will include the high school number and the digital certificate will include an information text to verify the authenticity of the certificate. The new certificates will also indicate the level of the examination in which the test was taken and that the qualification obtained qualifies the holder for higher education.
"The reforms will facilitate the application process for students, especially for foreign institutions, where certificates are usually sent in digital format," said Tiina Tähkä, Secretary General of the Board.